Merhaba sevgili arkadaşlar !

Merhaba  sevgili arkadaşlar !

 Ben blog da ilk defa yazıyorum. Ve bu benim için  biraz heyecan verici.  Dün Salita ya geldiğimde çok arkadaş ile karşılaştım. Çay içtik, sohbet ettik. Ve üç  farklı meditasyon yaptık. Bu benim için güzel bir deneyim oldu. Hümanist arkadaşlarımla birlikte olduğum gün kendimi her zamankinden daha iyi hissediyorum. Bu insanlar çok huzurlu ve pozitifler. Onların bu pozitif enerjileri bana da yansıyor. Özellikle enerji aktarma ile ilgili yaptığımız meditasyon  bana ilginç ve çok iyi geldi.  Yanımdaki arkadaşlarımın pozitif enerjisini hissettim. Kendimi hafiflemiş ve çok rahatlamış  hissettim.

Salita’dan sonra Cafe Sanat’a gittik. Ve çok güzel müzikler dinledik. Orada çay  ve sahlep içtik. Dans ettik ve Dark oynadık. Çok eğlenceli ve keyifli  bir akşam yaşadık. Ve evlerimize dağıldık…
Ertesi gün Christophe ve Toni ile birlikte   Eminönü’ndeki Mısır çarşısına alışveriş (Türk Lokumu vs.) ve gezmek için gittik.  Vapurla giderken Toni büyük bir keyifle martılara simit yedirdi… O çok mutluydu. Sonra soğuk havada bizde  martılara simit yedirdik..Ve çok eğlendik, ısındık. Soğuk havayı ve oksijeni ciğerlerimize çekerek bu keyifli yolculuğa devam ettik. Mısır çarşısında alışveriş yaptık. Bizi orada Suriyeli genç arkadaşımız Abdullah bekliyordu. Ve o   bize alışverişte yardımcı oldu. İşimiz bitti tekrar Kadıköy’e geri döndük.  Kadıköy’de Azeri balıkçı ailenin restoranında  balık  yedik. Ve  Salitaya döndük.
Tekrar bir araya gelmek üzere Chiristophe ile vedalaştım. Çünkü o ertesi gün Fransa’ya geri dönecekti. Ama tekrar Mayıs ayında İtalya’da karşılaşacağım için onu sevgiyle uğurladım. Buraya bir çok Hümanist arkadaşım geliyor ve tekrar ülkelerine gidiyorlar. Onlar birer ışık gibi içimi aydınlatıyor. Ve onları özlüyorum.

Ve tekrar İstanbul’a bekliyorum.Sevgiyle kalın. Hoşçakalın
Canan Kılıçkeser    
26.12.2014  Kadıköy-İstanbul / Türkiye


18th January, weekly meeting in Istanbul
18 de Enero reunion semanal en Estambul


We had the Well-being, with Juli, Huseyin, Huseyin’s mother (she is a little bit sick), Aylin, Katibe, Jonturk, Dani, Christophe, Toni.

Later Canan, Alessio, Abdullah, arrived and we had the Service. All of us we felt a very strong and sweet Force.. We really were feeling a strong unity between us. The ‘we’ were more evident than the ‘me’; and this was making all uf us very happy.

Later we had a çay and we talked a lot (for example about the Manual of formation for Messangers with Alessio).
Later we went to a Café with Canan, Aylin, Alessio, Christope and Toni. We met there Ufuk and we had more çay in a very friendly atmosphere.

Big hugs

Claudio e Aylin 


Hicimos el Bienestar, con Juli, Huseyin, la madre de Huseyin (que està un poco enferma), Aylin, Katibe, Jonturk, Dani, Christophe, Toni.

Mas tarde llegaron Canan, Alessio, Abdullah, e hicimos el Oficio. Todos nosotros percibimos una Fuerza muy poderosa y dulce.. Realmente sentiamos una fuerte unidad entre nosotros. El "nosotros" era mas evidente que el "yo", y esto nos hizo sentir muy felices.

Luego hicimos çay y hablamos mucho (por ejemplo, con Alessio sobre el Manual de formación para Mensajeros).

Despues fuimos a comer y luego a una cafeteria con Canan, Aylin, Alessio, Christope y Toni. Allí encontramos Ufuk tomando mas çay en un ambiente muy agradable.

Un fuerte abrazo
Claudio e Aylin

Some photos, around the weekly meeting of Silo's Message to Ankara.


Wenesday we share a affective et deep weekly meeting of the Silo's Message.
With Zehra, Ayman, Kayra and Fatih we did the Office and the well being.
It was a intense moment where we felt all very close to each other.
May be we could resume this feeling with these sentences of the Silo's Message book (the path).

"Do not imagine that you are alone in your village, in your city, on the Earth, or among the infinite worlds. 
Do not let a great joy pass without giving thanks internally.Do not let a great sadness pass without calling into your interior for the joy that you have saved there. "
Many thanks !

Ankara : contact with the best of ourself
contact avec le meilleur de soi

English / Français

At the request of Ahmet and Ayman , we shared Sunday the workshop on " contact with the best of ourself ."
So we met in the end of the afternoon and began the workshop with Dondu Ahmet, Ayman, Karya and Fatih then with Ayça who joined us for the second part of the workshop.
At first we were thinking about the qualities that we recognize in ourselves then we exchanged happily and deeply about the qualities we perceive in others.
After a time of meditation on these qualities that others have bestowed upon us, we made the ceremony of imposition where everyone could transmit the force and give the best of oneself, through the imposition of hands on the others ...
A bright, strong and sensitive moment !
Following this seminar Ayman has prepared a delicious dish "Menemen"
In the evening Yuksel and a friend, coming out of the book fair, were added to this joyous and friendly community to share the meal and tea.

Big Hugs

A la demande d’Ahmet et d’Ayman, nous avons partagé ce dimanche l’atelier sur « le contact avec le meilleur de soi ».
Nous nous sommes donc retrouvés en fin d’après midi et avons commencé l’atelier avec Dondu, Ahmet, Ayman, Kayra et Fatih puis Ayça nous a rejoints pour la seconde partie de l’atelier.
Dans un premier temps nous avons eu une réflexion sur les qualités que l’on reconnait en nous même puis nous avons échangé joyeusement et profondément sur les qualités que l’on percevait chez les autres participants.
Après avoir pris un temps de méditation sur ces qualités que les autres nous ont témoigné, nous avons réalisé une cérémonie d’imposition ou chacun a pu transmettre la force et donner le meilleur de soi au travers de l’imposition des mains sur les autres…
Un moment lumineux, fort et sensible !
A la suite de ce séminaire Ayman nous a préparé un délicieux plat de Menemen.

Dans la soirée Yuksel et un ami, qui sortaient du salon du livre, se sont ajoutés à cette joyeuse et lumineuse communauté pour partager le repas et le thé.

Un fort abrazo

11th January, weekly meeting in Istanbul
11 de Enero reunion semanal en Estambul



Today with 10 friends we made the game of the virtues. 
Everybody wrote the virtues he thinks he has; later we had a little talk by couples and after this everybody wrote the virtues of the friend he talked with. Then it was very interesting to make the comparison between how we see ourselves and how our friends see us..!!

In the very nice atmosphere that was created, with 3 more Alessio’s friends (Erasmus students) that meanwhile arrived, we had the Service (Juli) and the Well-being (Enrico from Venice) in English.
After the Service Elena said that today, the first time, making the Service she could feel a strong and very good energy in her chest.

Later some new friend asked about Silo’s Message and we could talk a lot about our experiences.

Big hugs


Hoy con 10 amigos hicimos el juego de las virtudes.
Todos escribimos las virtudes que creemos que tenemos; luego tuvimos una charla por parejas de algunos minutos y después de esto escribimos las virtudes del amigo con que hablamos. 
A continuación fue muy interesante hacer la comparación entre cómo nos vemos a nosotros mismos y cómo nos ven nuestros amigos..!

En la linda atmosfera que se creò y con otros 3 amigos de Alessio (estudiantes Erasmus) que entretanto llegaron, hicimos el Oficio (Juli) y el Bienestar (Enrico de Venecia) en Inglés.
Después del Oficio Elena dijo que hoy por primera vez, durante el Oficio pudo sentir en su pecho una energía muy fuerte y muy buena.

Luego algunos nuevos amigos preguntaron sobre el Mensaje de Silo y pudimos hablar mucho de nuestras experiencias.

Un fuerte abrazo

Some day to Ankara with the Silo's Message friends
Quelques jours à Ankara avec les amis du Message de Silo

English / Français


Wednesday we shared, at the Salita, beautiful ceremonies with Karya , Dondu , Yuksel , Bura , Ayman .
After making well being, friends have chosen to share the imposition.
Then the days go by and we end up with Ayman , Fatih , Semih , Karya , Yuksel , Ahmet to take time together, shared the experience of Silo's Message through simple conversations in a deep connexion and relationship.

Friday we went with Karya at the  Ankara Book Fair. Yuksel has a stand where he sells many books whose books of the Silo's Message.
Today we'll return to this fair to accompany the presentation of the book and be guided by future meetings .

Experiences of Silo's Message that I live in Ankara and Istanbul are the image of their cities. They are differents and complementary.
In Istanbul you feel a fire that radiates strength around it , an inspirational energy which propagates and gives this feeling, this certainty that anything is possible .
In Ankara, a inside soft  light, diffuse an energy with an indescribable depth.
Istanbul blends East and West perfectly , it stimulates , it  awakens ...
Ankara gives us the opportunity to listen and feel the heart and breath of Anatolia, it brings us closer to the source ...

In all cases, acts accumulated by the Silo'sMessengers, these years have elusive resonances  and surprising consequences .

Big Hugs

Mercredi nous avons partagé des belles cérémonies avec Kayra, Dondu, Yuksel, Bura, Ayman.
Après avoir réaliser le bien-être les amis ont choisi de partager une imposition en faisant passer la force de mains en mains.
Puis les jours passent et nous nous retrouvons avec Ayman, Fatih, Semih, Kayra, Yuksel, Ahmet pour prendre du temps ensemble, partagé l’expérience du Message de Silo au travers de simple conversation et d’une profonde relation et connexion.

Vendredi nous sommes allés avec Kayra au salon du livre d’Ankara. Yuksel y a un stand où il vend de nombreux livres dont le livre du Message.
Aujourd’hui nous retournerons à ce Salon pour accompagner cette présentation du livre et se laisser guider par les rencontres à venir.

Les expériences du Message de Silo que je vis à Ankara et à Istanbul sont à l’image de leurs villes. Elles sont différentes et complémentaires.
A Istanbul on ressent un feu qui irradie la force tout autour de lui, une énergie inspiratrice  qui se propage et qui donne ce sentiment, cette certitude que tout est possible.
A Ankara, le feu doux et intérieur diffuse une énergie avec une profondeur indescriptible.
Istanbul mélange l’Orient et l’Occident à merveille, elle stimule, elle éveille…
Ankara nous donne l’opportunité d’écouter et de sentir le cœur et le souffle de l’Anatolie, elle nous rapproche de la source…

Dans tous les cas les actes accumulés par les Messagers de Silo depuis ces dernières années ont des résonances insaisissables et des conséquences étonnantes.

Fort Abrazo

4th January, weekly meeting in Istanbul
4 de Enero reunion semanal en Estambul



we met in the 'salita' many friends from different countries: 
3 from Turkey, 2 from Hungary, 2 from France, 2 from Germany, 2 from Italy..
We had the Service and the Well-being in English.

Later for more than 5 hours we shared, with some of ours friends, a lot of experiences from heart to heart, about our feelings with the ceremonies, the psychology, the history and the process of Human been, the future changes of the world, our experiences with ovens, ceramic, melting of metals and blowing glass, different kind of altered state of consciousness, the development of the new sensibility in the world (refusing violence and leaderships and feeling the Human been as the central value), our own experiences with Silo..
and many other things..

In synthesis really a beautiful evening!!!

big hugs

Claudio and Christophe


nos reunimos en la salita con muchos amigos de diferentes Países:
3 de Turquía, 2 de Hungría, 2 de Francia, 2 de Alemania, 2 de Italia.
Hicimos el Oficio y el Bienestar en Inglés.

Después con algunos de nuestros amigos, por más de 5 horas, hemos intercambiado muchas experiencias de corazón a corazón, hablando de nuestros sentimientos con las ceremonias, de psicología, de la historia y el proceso del ser Humano, de los futuros cambios en el mundo, de nuestras experiencias con hornos, cerámica, fundición de metales y soplado de vidrio, de diferentes tipos de estados alterados de conciencia, del desarrollo de la nueva sensibilidad en el mundo (que rechaza la violencia y los liderazgos y percibe el ser Humano como valor central), de nuestras propias experiencias con Silo ..
y muchas otras cosas ..

En síntesis una noche realmente muy hermosa!

un fuerte abrazo
Claudio y Christophe

Istanbul 3rd January 2014
Estambul 3 de Enero 2014



we had the Service and the Well-being with Juli, Canan, Alessio, Lulu, Hussein, Christophe.
Juli made the Well-being and Lulu for the first time, she made the Service.
She said she had a very nice experience, deeply feeling the energy of all the friends making the ceremony.

Later we talked a lot about many very interesting arguments, like psychology, the differences between the soul and the Spirit, some personal experiences about situations of our lives when we felt the presence of 'something' different than the 'normal' life..

Later after having a fast dinner with Canan, Lulu and Cristophe we went to a cafe' where Ufuk joined us in a very friendly, warm and full of good feelings atmosphere.

Big hugs


hicimos el Oficio y el Bienestar con Juli, Canan, Alessio, Lulu, Hussein, Christophe.
Juli hizo el Bienestar y Lulu, por primera vez, hizo el Oficio.
Ella dijo que experimentò algo muy agradable, percibiendo profundamente la energía de todos los amigos que estaban haciendo la ceremonia.

Luego hemos hablado mucho de muchos argumentos muy interesantes, como la psicología, las diferencias entre el alma y el Espíritu, algunas experiencias personales de situaciones de nuestra vida en que sentimos la presencia de "algo" diferente a la vida "normal"..

Más tarde después de comer algo con Canan, Lulu y Cristophe fuimos a un café donde llegò Ufuk en un ambiente muy amable, cálido y lleno de buenos sentimientos.

un fuerte abrazo