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The way back to Istanbul was much quicker. Our bus stops midway, like before, for a rest at a shopping mall. Christophe tells me it is the same one, I tell him it is the double. On the other side of the highway, like a mirror, is the exact same building outside like inside! That gives me a strange sensation, of a world which builds smooth things, without spirit, uniform and misleading. It is terrible that in the heart of the Anatolian lands, where humanity has taken some of its greatest steps and expressed its most beautiful creativity… quick! Let’s go back to Istanbul, its diversity and joyous bazaar!!!
We are welcomed by Eduardo who comes from his siesta and have some good Italian Arabica coffee and some cakes… We savor his testimony inspired by reading a letter sent by a friend. Together, we go back to Silo’s words which resonate in the present moment. We evoked the correspondence between David and Silo “Is profound and essential change possible in the human being?... Everything that has been done up to this moment has great meaning, but it will not be enough until the people (even the nicest and most kind) decide to Convert their lives, realizing the need for a profound mental change. It is of this that our work speaks in its last phase; it is of this that the Message speaks. I believe that in the current situation in which Humanity is living (and of course ourselves), if we do not work to overcome all censure and censorship, including what is self-imposed, throwing ourselves into the meanings and works of the Message, then essential change will not be possible. The direction must be toward the Profound of the consciousness, to connect with the meanings that have been slowly driving forward the evolution of the human being. Now it is urgent and we have no other way to make this impulse known….” (Manual of Formative Themes and Practices for Messengers – Seminar of profound and essential change, pg. 56).

Later, Christophe and I, went to look at the sea. It was sunset, the sky was composed of a magnificent blur going from orange to deep blue. It is hard to describe this beauty, especially if it mixes in my spirit with questions raised by our interchange on profound and essential meaning. Then we spent the evening with Elena, a young artist who showed us her collage exhibit and asks us, “is it possible to be constantly happy and relaxed?” Good question! And we go together to the couchsurfers’ meeting who want to speak Spanish... There are more and more persons around the table: Spaniards, Colobians, Cubans, Turks wanting to learn Spanish... Istanbul is a mosaic. We meet around beers and chai (guess for who?) while the Turkish salsa dancers are shaking. I take out my cards for the game of the Message for the latinos who actually decided to stay at the table. All the while I asked myself if I would be able to overcome all censure, enter in the world of meanings and produce this conversation. Like in Elena’s collages, I can try to acknowledge the sacred that exists in everyday life and in those around me, or like in another work: being in the present moment, trying to look at the details and the colors of everyday life, like a path towards a future that is less gray.
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