23th of September, Well-being in Istanbul
23 de Septiembre, Bienestar en Estambul


We have 4 new Italian friends. They came to the ‘salita’ to know the Message and to make a ceremony.

Before travelling to Turkey (from Pisa and Lucca) they contacted Ekin on fb, because they saw the article of Pressenza, about the first gay marriage in Turkey.
So they met Ekin in Istanbul and they came with him to the ‘salita’.

We had the Well-being in Italian (Claudio) end Turkish (Aylin) in a very warm and friendly atmosphere. We talked a lot about The Message, the situation in Turkey especially from the gay point of view, the social and personal crisis..
They liked the ceremony very much. After we went to eat together in the restaurant where Emrullah works.
We hope they will contact some friend of the Message when they will come back to Italy.

Strong hugs



Tenemos 4 nuevos amigos italianos. Llegaron a la salita para conocer el Mensaje y hacer una ceremonia.

Antes de viajar a Turquía (desde Pisa y Lucca) se pusieron en contacto con Ekin por fb, porque vieron el artículo de Pressenza, sobre la primera boda gay en Turquía.
Así que encontraron Ekin en Estambul y vinieron con él a la 'salita'.

Hicimos el Bienestar en Italiano (Claudio) y Turco (Aylin) en un ambiente muy cálido y cariñoso. Hablamos mucho sobre el Mensaje, la situación en Turquía, especialmente desde el punto de vista gay, la crisis social y personal.. Les gustó mucho la ceremonia. Después fuimos a comer juntos en el restaurante donde trabaja Emrullah.
Esperamos que se comunicaran con algún amigo del Mensaje cuando volveran a Italia.

Un fuerte abrazo

Interview with Ekin Keser and Emrullah Tzn

I thought to make an interview with our friends after their wedding, because I wanted to know their point of view, their feelings about all that.  
Here I publish now what I was talking with Ekin Keser and Emrullah Tzn, the two Turkish friends of us who had the first gay marriage in Turkey on the 2nd of September, on a boat, on the Bosphorus with about 80 participants. I had this chat with them two days after the wedding day.
Before I share with you this, I’d like to give you a little context. I got to know Ekin at the beginning of May, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. From the first moment he was very open about his sexual orientation (which surprised me in this socio-cultural environment) of course it was not just this but something more which called my attention and I invited him to our meetings of Silo’s Message to the “salita”. From the first time (and ever since) he always brought his friends to our meetings every week. The first one whom he brought was his couple, Emrullah. From the very beginning it was clear that they want to get marry, but it seemed impossible in Turkey, so they wanted to leave the country. Than Nacho mentioned to Ekin it is not impossible to get marry in Turkey and showed him the marriage ceremony in Silo’s message book. I have never seen such happiness and relief as on Ekin’s face about this news and soon they decided to get marry with Silo’s Message ceremony, here in Turkey, in Istanbul. While some months passed, we did several ceremonies with Ekin and Emrullah and their friends in the salita, their intention became stronger. It was always present in every meeting, in every chat of us. We talked about it, we had lot of fun about it. They decided the date and the place and circumstances. Eduardo accompanied them step by step and helped them to clarify the image and all the necessary things. When they had the invitation in their hands the process started. They stepped out into the public with this invitation and started to invite friends and family members. I had the opportunity to go with them to invite some of their friends. All of them was surprised but happy for this news. I thought to share this process will make our conversation more understandable.
Lastly I would like to mention, but probably you know about the fact that in Turkey gay marriage is not legalised.
-         How did you feel in this marriage?
-         Ekin: I felt lot of emotions. I saw that people are happy and I felt their love for us.
-         What was the difference for you in this marriage and a traditional marriage here in Turkey?
-         Ekin: There was no bride. ( laughing) Our friends wished us really to be happy. This was not done by the state it was done by two human being’s feelings and emotions. It was based on true feelings and emotions. Some of our friends told us that they saw two people who fit together. Also after the Well being ceremony one of my friends told me it was the first time in his life that he really felt relaxed.
-         And you, Emrullah how did you feel there?
-         Emrullah: It was very nice. I felt it was very good to start with the Well being ceremony and to read it before the Marriage ceremony. I felt that the people could calm down inside and outside after this ceremony. They sent us energy, but they didn’t know about that. And after the two ceremonies all people were so happy and enjoyed the night with us.
-         Ekin: Ever since we receive messages with congratulations and they are also  interested about how we did it. So we wrote them about Silo’s Message and the meaning of the ceremony. We are very happy and we are very grateful for Silo’s Message and for its community. I feel that after this event we can talk easier about the Message with many people. We hope that more people will come to the meetings of the Message. We would like to spread out this widly, for many people. At this moment we are waiting for the video what was made on the wedding and we would like to make a massive spreading out of this in LGBT area.
-         Were you afraid of anything?
-         Ekin: No I was only very excited, that’s why my legs were permanently shaking. 
      Emrullah: No, I wasn’t.
-         What did your friends told you, when you invited them?
-         Ekin: They said that, it is dangerous and they thought it would be very difficult for us. But I think maybe the next gay marriage will be easier.
-         What was the most important for you in this marriage?
-         Emrullah: That we could do it with Silo’s Message. And we could do it with true feelings, we could make a marriage with emotions, otherwise it would be only a party.
-         Ekin: We would like to say thank you for Silo’s Message that it was possible and we want more people to know about Silo’s Message. And maybe later all these people will be non-violent.
-         Would you like to say something for those who would like to do the same that you did?

-         Ekin: Don’t be afraid! Never. If you want to do something, do it! What ever you do, do it with true feelings. 
      Emrullah: It is not difficult at all! If you want to do it, just do it! We had trust in Silo’s Message community and we did it. You don’t need the state or an office, just your feelings.



Hoy con los antiguos y nuevos amigos en la mesa de frances en Ankara, 4 de septiembre 2014

Hola amigos,
Hoy estuvimos Ayman, Sara, Mehdi y Peter participando en a mesa de Frances donde tenemos muchos amigas y amigos. No se hablo mucho frances, mas bien ingles y turco y un poco italiano. Pero la atmosfera muy buena y con mucho calor humano.
Encontramos nuevos amigos, Florent de Francia, Matilda de Albania y Can de Ankara, y tambien una nueva amiga de quien no nos recordamos el nombre. Florent, Matilda, Can y la nueva amiga muy interesados en el Mensaje de Silo. Van a participar en la proxima reunion en la oficina de Yuksel (ya que Sara y Peter viajan el dia 9 de septiembre). La conversaciones enotrno al Mensaje fueron muy preciosas porque ellos nos hizieron preguntas muy sentidas. Por ejemplo 'que puedo hacer de inmediato para empezar el cambio interno. Y respondimos con aprender tratar los otros como uno quiere ser tratado'y fue reconocido inmediatamente. Otra anecdota: la nueva amiga cuenta a Sara que cada dia se pregunta quien soy y hacia donde voy, sin saber quien era ella y hacia donde iba. Sara too el libro y la mostro esa misma frase en el Camino. Ella muy impresionada y decidio de ir a comprar el libro mañana en la libreria IMGE. Matilda va descargar la version ingles del Mensaje desde www.silo.net. Mehdi hablo mucho con Can, contando sus experiencias y demas cosas. Asi que estuvimos todos involucrado en la transmision del Mensaje. Fue tan fluido y parecia totalmente normal que es sucedia. Estaban tambien nuestro amigos Cargi, Zach y Ceren, Cargi tambien hablando con otros sobre el libro del Mensaje, aunque el tiene todavia resitencias de cabeza. Su corazon pero esta.
Mientre todo eso sucedia en medio de esa atmosfera general muy de camaraderia, Sara envio fotos a Ferdi, quien respondi que queria haber estado ahi. En todo caso veamos a el mañana en otra situacion de amigos en otro cafe.
De nuevo algo muy bueno esta pasando con el mensaje, si como todo se esta accelerando en la direccion desiderada. Reconfirmamos que el Mensaje es misterioso y que aparentemente sin hacer nada, las situaciones alrededor del Mensaje se producen.

Con un fuerte abrazo para todos,

Sara, Ayman, Mehdi y Peter

2nd of September, the first Silo’s Message Marriage in Istanbul and the first gay marriage in Turkey
2 de Septiembre, primer Matrimonio del Mensaje de Silo en Estambul y primer matrimonio gay en Turquía


The marriage of Ekin and Emrullah was fantastic! 
About 80 friends participated in this wonderful event, very significant in a Muslim country. For this reason in facebook, twitter, etc. many people are giving now a big diffusion to the first gay Marriage in Turkye. And when for example some people ask if it was a civil Marriage, they answer: ‘no, it was a Silo’s Message Marriage!’

The organization of this event was a very nice experience involving a lot of friends with more or less experience, but all of them very enthusiastic, because the young friends especially, they feel that this kind of actions can help the fast development of a social change in direction of the evolution of human been, from a violent and patriarchal system, towards freedom and happiness for every human been..

After the dinner we had the Well-being ceremony in Turkish (Emrullah) and English (Ekin). So in a very happy atmosphere Aylin and Kubra made the Marriage, with English translation (Dani and şanyi). 
Ekin and Emrullah were very excited and with their words, about what is this marriage for them, they transmitted their positive emotions to everybody. 
They are very grateful to Silo’s Message for the possibility to have this marriage, with so positive energy, in this difficult social situation.

After many dances in the ‘ceremonies’ boat, sailing on the Bosphorus, we all felt very happy, and all of us we can witness our internal register of making an important unifying action..

Strong hugs

Claudio and Aylin


El matrimonio de Ekin y Emrullah fue fantástico! 
Alrededor de 80 amigos participaron en este evento maravilloso, muy significativo en un País musulmán. Por esta razón en Facebook, Twitter, etc. muchas personas están dando ahora una gran difusión al primer matrimonio gay en Turquía. Y cuando por ejemplo algunas personas preguntan si fue un matrimonio civil, ellos responden: ‘no, fue un Matrimonio del Mensaje de Silo!’

La organización de este evento fue una experiencia muy interesante con la participación de muchos amigos, con más o menos experiencia, pero todos con mucho entusiasmo, ya que sobre todo los jóvenes amigos, perciben que este tipo de acciones pueden ayudar al rápido desarrollo de un cambio social en la dirección de la evolución del ser humano, desde un sistema violento y patriarcal, hacia la libertad y la felicidad para todos los seres humanos..

Después de la cena se hico el Bienestar en Turco (Emrullah) e Inglés (Ekin). Así, en una atmosfera muy feliz, Aylin y Kubra hicieron el Matrimonio, con traducción al Inglés (Dani y Sanyi). 
Ekin y Emrullah estaban muy emocionados y con sus palabras, sobre lo que es este Matrimonio para ellos, transmitieron sus emociones positivas a todos. 
Ellos son muy agradecidos al Mensaje de Silo por la posibilidad de tener este matrimonio, con una energía tan positiva, en esta difícil situación social.

Después de muchos bailes en el barco de las ceremonias, navegando en el Bósforo, todos nos sentimos muy felices, y todos nosotros podemos testimoniar nuestro registro interno de hacer una acción unitiva importante ..

Un fuerte abrazo
Claudio y Aylin