(leer en español)
Hola amigos,
This morning, March 12th, Mustafa came home to pick up the final versions of the files for publishing. Later, Yüksel and Mustafa went to the printing house to start the Book’s publishing.
In the afternoon, Peter prepared food for the friends who were coming at 19h for our first meeting about the 3 book fairs of Ankara, Izmir, Diyarbakir and the two tours of June and July. Bülent & Mustafa were the first to arrive, a little bit later came Zehra and Mehtap. So we were 5 persons and we started the meeting very good-naturedly, accompanied by chai and sweets. Peter made an introduction, talking about the book’s situation, the fairs, the tours and what we wanted with all of that. Mustafa informed us about the book’s budget, it will be ready this Saturday and that this Wednesday, he and I, will go to the printing house to watch the printing of the first book. We imagine it will be the proof. So it appears that we will have the books before we expected. There was an animated interchange about what was explained. Each one expressed how they would participate. Mustafa will attend the three fairs of the 4 days in Ankara (together with Yüksel) of the Western tour. Mustafa told us Yüksel would attend all of the Eastern tour. Bülent wants to participate in the whole Eastern tour and we asked him to please take his guitar. Mehtap wants to participate 3 days in Antep where she has friends and family and Zehra and Mehtap want to participate to the Tuncelli festival. Zehra also has family in Antep and will inform them. So we gave this issue a headstart. We all agreed that everyone will have the list of tours filled in with the missing data and Mustafa promised that he will push Yüksel to have the list ready before the weekly meeting of March 21st, so that all those attending may express themselves about how and where they want to participate, besides the friends coming from abroad. Mehtap also expressed she could be at the stand of the Ankara fair during the week end (Saturday and Sunday). We also talked about the multiple possibilities of presenting the Book, speaking at universities, cultural centers and organizations. Zehra immediately was very interested in doing a presentation in the big Alevi center we know. She will talk to her contacts there. We also talked about the need to include more and more people and to use the weekly meetings to keep them informed (after the ceremonies) on one hand and on the other, to use the house to organize meetings with those interested in the same goal of having a growing participation. For the moment we agreed that Zehra, Mehtap, Mustafa and Bülent will be those coordinating the information and keeping us posted.
Finally, we explained once again how the Book’s financing works and the importance that this information pass in all weekly meetings. That everyone know and those who want to contribute know who to give the money to. They will keep it at home until Eduardo comes back in May.
We finished by saying it would be good to have other meetings with other people interested and that Peter is available until he will leave on March 22nd.
All of this took about an hour and a half and was very loose. Mehtap again translating everything perfectly.
Her availability is great and we are very grateful.
At this moment Olcaytug arrives and we set a date for tomorrow, together with Bülent, to talk about all of this tomorrow.
Bülent & Olcaytug had to leave so 4 of us ate. Our friends liked the food and Zehra had brought desert. After the food, Mustafa had to go and 3 of us stayed, Zehra and Mehtap talking animatedly, it was a pleasure to watch. Later, with chai we talked more deeply about the issue of the askings and who to ask. It was very interesting, the whole interchange which lasted until about 22h.
Peter called Altug at around 19h after having discovered he had been trying to reach him in the last three days on his old phone number, until he managed to get the new number from Eduardo. This time, of course, Altug answered immediately. We talked about the urgency of the translation of the Press kit and pamphlet about Silo and Altug answered right away he would translate it tonight while he was in the kiosk. His availability is legendary and we are very grateful.
So this was today.
Con un fuerte abrazo para todos,
Hola amigos,
This morning, March 12th, Mustafa came home to pick up the final versions of the files for publishing. Later, Yüksel and Mustafa went to the printing house to start the Book’s publishing.
In the afternoon, Peter prepared food for the friends who were coming at 19h for our first meeting about the 3 book fairs of Ankara, Izmir, Diyarbakir and the two tours of June and July. Bülent & Mustafa were the first to arrive, a little bit later came Zehra and Mehtap. So we were 5 persons and we started the meeting very good-naturedly, accompanied by chai and sweets. Peter made an introduction, talking about the book’s situation, the fairs, the tours and what we wanted with all of that. Mustafa informed us about the book’s budget, it will be ready this Saturday and that this Wednesday, he and I, will go to the printing house to watch the printing of the first book. We imagine it will be the proof. So it appears that we will have the books before we expected. There was an animated interchange about what was explained. Each one expressed how they would participate. Mustafa will attend the three fairs of the 4 days in Ankara (together with Yüksel) of the Western tour. Mustafa told us Yüksel would attend all of the Eastern tour. Bülent wants to participate in the whole Eastern tour and we asked him to please take his guitar. Mehtap wants to participate 3 days in Antep where she has friends and family and Zehra and Mehtap want to participate to the Tuncelli festival. Zehra also has family in Antep and will inform them. So we gave this issue a headstart. We all agreed that everyone will have the list of tours filled in with the missing data and Mustafa promised that he will push Yüksel to have the list ready before the weekly meeting of March 21st, so that all those attending may express themselves about how and where they want to participate, besides the friends coming from abroad. Mehtap also expressed she could be at the stand of the Ankara fair during the week end (Saturday and Sunday). We also talked about the multiple possibilities of presenting the Book, speaking at universities, cultural centers and organizations. Zehra immediately was very interested in doing a presentation in the big Alevi center we know. She will talk to her contacts there. We also talked about the need to include more and more people and to use the weekly meetings to keep them informed (after the ceremonies) on one hand and on the other, to use the house to organize meetings with those interested in the same goal of having a growing participation. For the moment we agreed that Zehra, Mehtap, Mustafa and Bülent will be those coordinating the information and keeping us posted.
Finally, we explained once again how the Book’s financing works and the importance that this information pass in all weekly meetings. That everyone know and those who want to contribute know who to give the money to. They will keep it at home until Eduardo comes back in May.
We finished by saying it would be good to have other meetings with other people interested and that Peter is available until he will leave on March 22nd.
All of this took about an hour and a half and was very loose. Mehtap again translating everything perfectly.
Her availability is great and we are very grateful.
At this moment Olcaytug arrives and we set a date for tomorrow, together with Bülent, to talk about all of this tomorrow.
Bülent & Olcaytug had to leave so 4 of us ate. Our friends liked the food and Zehra had brought desert. After the food, Mustafa had to go and 3 of us stayed, Zehra and Mehtap talking animatedly, it was a pleasure to watch. Later, with chai we talked more deeply about the issue of the askings and who to ask. It was very interesting, the whole interchange which lasted until about 22h.
Peter called Altug at around 19h after having discovered he had been trying to reach him in the last three days on his old phone number, until he managed to get the new number from Eduardo. This time, of course, Altug answered immediately. We talked about the urgency of the translation of the Press kit and pamphlet about Silo and Altug answered right away he would translate it tonight while he was in the kiosk. His availability is legendary and we are very grateful.
So this was today.
Con un fuerte abrazo para todos,