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Hello friends,
Today, during the day Peter and Mustafa went to the publishing house to see the color of the paper of the book. They managed to produce a perfect color, a little bit yellow. We checked the color of the cover once more and passed by phone the exact pantone and CMYK numbers. We hope that with this the publishing house can print it in the exact color. If possible, the 1,000 copies will be ready on Saturday, if not, Monday at the latest. So until now, everything well.
At 18:30 the first friends arrived for our weekly meeting of experiences of the Message. Zehra and Mehtap and a while later Zeynep and a friend of hers Günsel. Mehtap made a good chai and after Handan arrived. We talked in the kitchen and in the salita, waiting for Bülent, Olcaytug and Sultan, a friend of both, who announced they would arrive in 10 minutes. So, everything very fast and at 19:30 arrived Haci and Kenan, a new friend as well. So we started the meeting at 19:30 with 11 participants of which 3 had come for the first time.
Mehtap and Zehra explained a little bit to the newcomers how the ceremonies are and then Mehtap and Zehra guided the Service very well. After, there was a small pause to give those present time to express their wishes for their dear ones. Besides sending Well Being to a young 14-year niece of Günsel who has to undergo difficult surgery, and to Ümit and his mom, and to a friend of Bülent’s, Ali, everyone wanted to asked that politicians in Turkey and in the world stop violence and illuminated themselves for nonviolence.
And so it was, a very well guided ceremony by Zehra and Mehtap, with good pauses so everyone could formulate, visualize and send their Well Being to the those it was addressed to.
In the end there was a very good and almost silent atmosphere and we started, little by little, hugs and spreading of the best in ourselves.
After, of course, there was chai again and Bülent gave us a moment of guitar music accompanied by Sultan’s voice. A very calm atmosphere of intimate joy.
Zehra, Handan, Bülent, Olcaytug and Mehtap reconfirmed their participation to the seminar Saturday, on the issue of deep internal change. So we think we will be 7 participants, together with Yüksel, Huseyin who is arriving tomorrow to Ankara and stay for several days.
At 20:30 everyone had to leave for various reasons. Everything was very beautiful.
Un fuerte abrazo,