ENG - ESP ENG Today we made the second workshop ‘Contact with the best in ourselves for spiritual growth’, in the ‘salita’ in Ankara, with Ayman, Ahmet, Semih and Dondu. (Aylin is a little bit sick and she could not participate). After a good chai and many talks (Simith was asking a lot of questions: if this is a religion, why the ceremonies give guidelines to follow strictly, etc. etc.) we started explaining that everything in Silo’s Message is really based on the free interpretation and is not really important to understand many things from the intellectual point of view.. The direct and personal Experience is the most important thing!! So let’s start making experience! So we started explaining (everyone of us) the reasons making us participating to the workshop. Trying not loosing time with explanations we started the exercise of ‘recognizing of qualities’. After writing the qualities of all the others we started reading it. Everyone was taking note of the qualities the others was seeing in him/her. The atmosphere was becoming warmer and positive vibrations was starting between us. After the interchange about our qualities and a good (practical and based on the experience) description about how to get a good relax (external physical, internal physical/emotional, and mental) we made the experience of Force and after few minutes the Experience of laying of hands.. We were trying to pass the Force to our closer friend. Simith was the last one. Instead of passing the Force just to the closest friend, he did it to all of us.. He was full of Energy.. When we finished he was ‘transformed’.. His eyes were luminous.. much different than ‘before’. He was trying to explain us that he got a kind of experience as never before in his life, but it was impossible to explain it by words.. He tried to tell something like he was not feeling his body as normal.. that he was feeling the strong Energy in his arm and hand.. He was very thankful and happy!! At the and when we sow what time it was he said that his register of time was completely different than normal: instead of two hours it was like just short time was passed.. Big hugs claudio ESP Segundo taller en Ankara 29 de septiembre 2013 Hoy hemos hecho el segundo taller ‘El contacto con lo mejor de nosotros para el crecimiento espiritual’ , en la ‘salita’ de Ankara, con Ayman, Ahmet, Semih y Dondu. (Aylin esta’ un poco enferma y no pudo participar). Despues de un buen chai y muchas conversaciones (Simith haciendo muchas preguntas: si se trata de una religión, ¿por que las ceremonias dan pautas a seguir estrictamente, etc. etc.) empezamos explicando que todo en el Mensaje de Silo se basa realmente en la libre interpretacion y no es realmente importante entender muchas cosas desde el punto de vista intelectual.. La experiencia directa y personal es lo más importante! Asi’ que vamos a empezar a hacer experiencia! Asi’ que empezamos a decir (cadauno de nosotros) las razones que nos hacen participar al taller. Tratando de no perder tiempo con muchas explicaciones empezamos el ejercicio de ‘reconocimiento de las cualidades’. Despues de escribir las cualidades de todos los demas empezamos a leerlas. Todo el mundo estaba tomando nota de las cualidades que los otros veian en el/ella. El ambiente era cada vez mas calido y vibraciones positivas comenzaban a circular entre nosotros. Tras el intercambio de nuestras cualidades y una buena descripción (practica y basada en la experiencia) sobre como conseguir una buena relajacion (fisica externa, fisica interna/emocional y mental) hicimos la experiencia de la Fuerza y despues de unos minutos, la experiencia de imposición de las manos.. Estabamos tratando de transmitir la Fuerza cadauno a nuestro amigo mas cercano. Simith era el ultimo. En lugar de pasar la Fuerza solo al amigo mas cercano, lo hizo para todos nosotros.. Estaba lleno de Energia.. Cuando terminamos estaba ‘transformado’.. Sus ojos eran luminosos.. muy diferentes de ‘antes’. Trataba de explicarnos que vivio’ una experiencia como nunca antes en su vida, pero era imposible explicarlo con palabras.. Trato’ de decir algo como que no sentia su cuerpo de manera normal.. que sentia una fuerte energia en el brazo y la mano.. Estaba muy agradecido y feliz ! Y cuando vimos la hora, dijo que su registro del tiempo era completamente diferente de lo normal: en lugar de dos horas, era como si fuera pasado muy poco tiempos.. Abrazos claudio Esperienze potenti e profonde.. Esperienze di contatto con la Forza.. Esperienze che cambiano internamente le persone per sempre.. E' solo l'inizio. Qui la gente ha una sensibilita' tremenda.. Oggi ho visto un ragazzo 'trasmutato' dall'esperienza di passaggio della Forza.. I suoi occhi 'dopo' erano diversi da 'prima'. Ha detto che non sapeva spiegarlo a parole, ma che ha avuto un'esperienza come mai prima nella sua vita..
Second workshop in Ankara 29th September 2013
Reunion semanal en Ankara, 25 de Septiembre 2013
ENG - ESP ENG: Yesterday we met in the 'salita' and we made the Service and the Wellbeing with Ayman, Aylin and Dondu (Handan's friend). It was the first time I met Dondu. We talked a lot in a very friendly atmosphere and we showed her photographs of Attigliano Park. We also talked about the possibility of organizing a second workshop of the Message, as soon as possible. Big hugs Claudio ESP: Ayer nos reunimos en la salita e hicimos el Oficio y el Bienestar con Ayman, Aylin y Dondu (amiga de Handan). Fue la primera vez que encontre' Dondu. Hablamos mucho en una atmosfera de mucha amistad y le mostramos fotografias del Parque Attigliano. Hemos hablado tambien de la posibilidad de organizar un segundo taller del Mensaje. un fuerte abrazo claudio
Reunion semanal en Ankara, 18 de Septiembre 2013
today we met in the 'salita' Ayman, Ahmat, Aylin, Zehra, Samih, Omit,
Huseyin and Claudio. Samih and Omit they are new friends, Ayman knew
in ardic cafe' through another friend that didn't come.
We made the Service and the Well-being.
Later we talked a lot. The new friends noticed that after the
ceremonies they were feeling much better than before..
We also talked about political issues and Aylin, talking from her life
experience, made our new friends reflecting about the importance of
the internal experience and the internal personal development. She
said that without internal growth, any theory is not useful and even
dangerous, because if a political theory accept for example the
violence, it will be impossible to change this violent system. Also
any organization with leader is dangerous. Manipulation and violence
will just produce more violence: this is a Non-meaning for the human being.
The evolution is possible only if internal and external (social)
growth develop together, she said.
After interchanging a lot we left the 'salita' in a very happy and
friendly atmosphere.
big hugs
Hoy nos encontramos en la 'salita' Ayman, Ahmat, Aylin, Zehra, Samih,
Omitir, Huseyin y Claudio. Samih y Omit son nuevos amigos que Ayman
conocio' en el Ardic cafe' gracias a otro amigo que hoy no estaba.
Hicimos el Oficio y el Bienestar.
Luego intercambiamos mucho. Los nuevos amigos dijeron que despues de
las ceremonias, se 'sentian' mucho mejor que antes..
Hablamos tambien de temas politicos y Aylin, hablando desde su
experiencia de vida, hizo reflexionar los nuevos amigos sobre la
importancia de la experiencia interna y el desarrollo personal. Dijo
que sin crecimiento interno, cualquier teoria no es util e incluso
puede ser peligrosa, pues si una teoria politica acepta por ejemplo la
violencia, sera' imposible cambiar este sistema violento. Tambien
cualquier organizacion con lideres es peligrosa. La manipulacion y la
violencia solo producen mas violencia: es un Sin-sentido para el ser
humano. Dijo que la evolucion es posible solo si el crecimiento
interno y externo (social), se desarrollan juntos.
Despues de muchos intercambios muy interesantes dejamos la 'salita'
inmersos en una atmosfera muy amable y feliz.
un fuerte abrazo
Reunion semanal en Ankara, 11 septiembre 2013
ESP - ENG ESP: ayer participaron a las ceremonias Ayman, Mahdi y Ahmad. A raiz de la inauguracion de la fuente en mikebuda, antes de empezar las ceremonias, me preguntaron muchas cosas sobre los Parques. Asi' que fue una muy buena ocasion para informarlos de muchas cosas. Preguntaron tambien si se hara' un Parque en Turquia..!! Luego por primera vez con ellos, leimos la ceremonia de reconocimiento: muy muy interesante. Luego Ayman hizo el oficio (va aprendiendo y haciendo experiencia) y Ahmad el bienestar. Todo muy bien en una atmosfera de conexion y de amistad. un fuerte abrazo claudio ENG: yesterday we made the ceremonies with Ayman, Mahdi and Ahmad. In relation with the inauguration of the fountain mikebuda, before the ceremonies, they asked me many things about the Parks. So it was really good situation to inform them about many things. They also asked if there will be a park in Turkey ..! Later, the first time with them, we read the recognition ceremony: very very interesting. Then Ayman made the service (he is going learning and doing experience) and Ahmad the wellness. All in a very nice atmosphere of strong connection and friendship. a big hug claudio
Fotos con Ayman, Ahmed, Huseyin y Claudio, despues de la ceremonia que hizimos
para Aylin y su abuela. Sua abuela partio a otro espacio y otro tiempo ayer.
Taller del Mensaje en Ankara, 8 de Septiembre 2013
ITA – ESP - ENG ITA: da pochi giorni abbiamo deciso di organizzare in Ankara il seminario del Messaggio, 'Il contatto con il meglio di noi stessi per la crescita spirituale'. E' stata una bellissima esperienza! E' stata un'esperienza piu' profonda delle normali riunioni settimanali. E penso che di questo rimarra' memoria in tutti noi che abbiamo partecipato. Vorrei anche ringraziare l'amico Cristophe, perche' da lui e' partita la proposta (da noi subito accettata) di tradurre l'invito al seminario in turco e di organizzarlo per questa domenica. Stamattina e' venuto alla 'salita' Ozgur, a salutarmi prima della mia partenza per mikebuda. Era appena arrivato da un lungo viaggio in macchina, dal kurdistan turco. Era troppo stanco per rimanere al seminario. Si e' scusato, mi ha salutato ed e' andato a casa a dormire, dopo avermi chiesto di salutare affettuosamente, Isabel, Cristophe, Eduardo e tutti gli altri amici. Poi e' venuto Yuksel che oltre a salutarmi mi ha informato che la prossima settimana Hussein verra' ad Ankara per rinnovare il contratto di affitto della 'salita' con il proprietario. Ayten non ha potuto partecipare al seminario perche' doveva andare all'ospedale per alcuni dolori alla schiena. Zehra perche' ha lavorato tutto il giorno in un supermercato. Nel pomeriggio sono arrivati, Ayman, Ahmad, Aylin e Mahdi ed abbiamo cominciato il seminario dicendo ognuno i motivi per cui avevamo deciso di partecipare. Poi abbiamo parlato del superamento delle contraddizioni, dell'unita' interna e delle azioni valide, dell'Amore e della Compassione, come punti fondamentali per poter crescere spiritualmente, oltre che migliorare dal punto di vista psicologico, sottolineando le differenze tra questi due aspetti dell'evoluzione dell'essere umano; abbiamo anche interscambiato sulle differenze tra l'anima (l'energia vitale del doppio) e lo Spirito che nell'Essere Umano puo' nascere o no a seconda di come si vive. Poi abbiamo interscambiato sulle virtu' che ognuno riconosce negli altri partecipanti. E' stato molto bello e sorprendente vedere come anche per chi conosciamo da meno tempo e' possibile intuire le virtu' piu' o meno nascoste od evidenti. Questo e' un esercizio che scioglie le tensioni emotive e crea un'atmosfera molto positiva di apertura e comunicazione diretta. Dopo una pausa con fusilli turchi.. abbiamo fatto (di seguito e in turco) le cerimonie dell'uffizio e di imposizione, in cui ognuno ha 'passato' la Forza al proprio vicino. E' stata molto evidente per tutti l'enorme differenza, prima e dopo le cerimonie, dello stato interno di ognuno di noi, e dell'Energia che ognuno poteva percepire. Tutti eravamo piu' felici e aperti verso gli altri. In sintesi e' risultata evidente l'importanza di questo tipo di esperienze profonde basate sull'interscambio. Sono una spinta formidabile alla crescita interna dei partecipanti e permettono anche di fare un grande salto di qualita' nel tipo di relazione tra di noi. un forte abbraccio a tutti claudio
ESP: desde unos pocos días decidimos organizar en Ankara el taller alto del Mensaje, 'El contacto con lo mejor de si mismo para el crecimiento espiritual'. Fue una muy linda experiencia! Fue una experiencia mas profunda de las normales reuniones semanales. Y creo que de esto quedara' memoria en todos nosotros que participamos. Quiero tambien agradecer al amigo Christophe , porque es el que hizo la propuesta (enseguida aceptada por nosotros) de traducir la invitación al taller en turco y de organizar el seminario este domingo. Esta mañana vino a la salita Ozgur, para saludarme antes de mi partida para Mikebuda . Acababa de llegar de un largo viaje en coche, desde el Kurdistan turco. Estaba demasiado cansado para participar al taller. Se disculpo', me saludo' y se fue a casa a dormir, después de pedirme de saludar cariñosamente , Isabel , Cristophe , Eduardo y todos los otros amigos. Luego tambien Yuksel vino a saludarme y me informó que la próxima semana Hussein viendra en Ankara para renovar el contrato de alquiler de la salita, con el propietario. Ayten no pudo participar porque tenia que ir al hospital por algunos dolores de espaldas. Zehra porque ha trabajado todo el dia en un supermercado. Por la tarde llegaron, Ayman, Ahmad , Aylin y Mahdi y empezamos el taller diciendo cadauno las razones por las cuales decidimos participar. Luego hemos hablado de la superacion de las contradicciones, de la unidad interna y de las acciones validas, del Amor y la Compasion, como puntos fundamentales para poder crecer espiritualmente, así como para mejorar desde el punto de vista psicológico, haciendo hincapié en las diferencias entre estos dos aspectos de la evolución del ser humano; también hemos intercambiado sobre las diferencias entre el alma (la energia vital del doble) y el Espiritu que en los Seres Humanos, puede nacer o no dependiendo de como se vive. Luego hemos intercambiado sobre las virtudes que cadauno reconoce en los otros participantes. Fue muy agradable y sorprendente ver como, incluso para los que nos conocemos desde menos tiempo, sea posible intuir las virtudes mas o menos escondidas o evidentes. Esto es un ejercicio que alivia las tensiones emotivas y crea un ambiente muy positivo de apertura y de comunicacion directa. Despues de una pausa con 'pasta italo/turca' .. hicimos (a continuación y en Turco) un oficio y una ceremonia de imposicion, en la que cadauno ha 'pasado' la Fuerza a su vecino. Fue muy evidente para todos la enorme diferencia, antes y despues de las ceremonias, de la situación interna de cada uno de nosotros, y de la Energia que cadauno podia percibir. Todos estabamos mas felices y abiertos a los demas. En sintesis resulto' evidente la importancia de este tipo de experiencias profundas basadas en el intercambio. Son un gran impulso al crecimiento interno de los participantes y tambien permiten hacer un gran salto de calidad en el tipo de relacion entre nosotros. un fuerte abrazo para todos claudio ENG: from a few days we decided to organize in Ankara the workshop of the Message 'contact with the best in ourselves for spiritual growth'. It was a very nice experience! It was a deeper experience than the normal weekly meetings. And I think this will remain as memory in all of us who participated. I also want to thank my friend Christophe, because he is the one who made the proposal (very quickly accepted by us) to translate in Turkish the invitation of the workshop and to organize it on Sunday. This morning Ozgur came to the 'salita' to greet me before I leave for Mikebuda. He was just arriving from a long travel by car, from Turkish Kurdistan. He was too tired to attend the workshop. Then Yuksel also came to greet me and he informed me that next week Hussein will come ton Ankara to renew the rent contract of the 'salita', with the owner . Ayten could not participate because she had to go to hospital for some back pain. Zehra because she worked all the day in a supermarket. In the afternoon Ayman, Ahmad, Aylin and Mahdi arrived and we started the workshop saying everyone the reasons why we decided to participate. Then we talked about the overcoming of contradictions, the internal unity and valid actions, Love and Compassion, as fundamental points in order to grow spiritually, and also to improve from the psychological point of view, emphasizing the differences between these two aspects of human evolution. We have also interchanged on the differences between the soul (vital energy of the 'duoble') and the Spirit that in Human Beings can born or not depending on how we live. Then we interchanged on the virtues everybody recognize in the other participants. It was nice and surprising to see, even for those of us we met more recently, how it is possible to guess the virtues more or less hidden or evidents. This is an exercise that dissolves the emotional tensions and creates a very positive atmosphere of openness and direct communication. After a break with Italian/Turkish pasta .. we carried out (one after the other and in Turkish) a Service and a ceremony of Laying on of hands: everybody 'has passed' the Force to the near friend. Later it was very clear to all of us, the deep difference, before and after the ceremonies, of the internal state in each of us, and of the Energy that everybody could perceive. We were all more happy and more open to the others. In synthesis it became evident the importance of such deep experiences based on interchange. They are a great incentive to the internal growth and also allow participants to make a great qualitative leap in the type of relationship between us. a big hug claudio
Around the workshop "contact with the best of ourself" in Istanbul...
Friday, we
found ourselves with Katibe and Juli to make some copies of the invitation to
the workshop on "contact with the best of ourselves."
All small
actions that we will do for the diffusion of this workshop was inspired by the
research to make unitifs acts ...
we have printed only a few copies in English, because we had no turkish friends
available to attend the workshop and especially let a phone contact in the
leaflet to inform people who might call.
With a few
copies in English we go, joyful and
decided to visit some cafes, cinemas and cultural spaces to leave invitations.
With Katibe
“in charge of communication”, we met various officials of these places to
present our flyer / invitation and ask if it was possible to leave some
leaflets at the entrance to their establishment.
All were
Quickly we
felt the need to have invitations in Turkish, we returned to the Salita to get
the invitation in Turkish with Katibe phone number as a contact.
Then we
returned for leaving invitations in Turkish in different places (nevzemin café,
cinema and cultural space).
Then we
went into a restaurant that Juli knows, and whose boss is a friend of Canan.
Here we left some invitations in different tables and we were surprised to meet
Jenk with who we had a joyful saluting
Finally we went
to the IMGE book shop (where the book of
Silo's Message is on sale) to deposit a number of leaflets.
A day
walking through Kadikoy, leaving in us the register that "things are well
when they move together and not in isolation."
Each of us
putting forward its best qualities forward in our project to share the
experience of Silo's Message.
Saturday we
went with Juli to take a walk along the sea and in our random inspirations we
gave some invitations to the people we met.
At one
point we gave the invitation to two young people sitting in the grass, and
asked them if they spoke English. The answer was yes and they invited us to
join them for having more information on this workshop.
Then we
quickly had deep exchanges around the meaning of life, violence and absurdity
of this system and the birth of a new sensibility, this clamor which seeks the
path to express itself with force in the world ... Unfortunately our two new
friends, Onur and his brother could not be in Kadikoy Sunday to attend the
arrival, our small team in a short time we made several attempts to
disseminate the invitation to the workshop (Invitation online with
couchsurfing, broadcast in various public places and direct connection with
people in the gardens ...).
On Sunday
we shared a simple and profound workshop with Juli and Katibe. We will want to
repeat the experience with more friends and of course new people.
At the end
of the workshop we were been in touch with our friends in Ankara , who also conducted the workshop.
concluded the workshop with a nice walk around the Kadokoy port accompanied by
our best qualities and a gentle force that pushes us toward future actions with faith ...
Big Hugs

Reunion semanal del Mensaje en Ankara, 4 de septiembre 2013
4 Settembre 2013 Ankara
per la prima volta Ahmad, un
amico siriano di Ayman, in un'atmosfera
di amicizia e di condivisione di
esperienze profonde e sentite.
Ayman ha commentato che sente
sempre una grande differenza interna tra
il prima e il dopo le cerimonie,
che dopo le cerimonie si sente
meglio, piu' felice.
Ahmad ha detto che e' stato
fortemente colpito dalle cerimonie e
dall'atmosfera positiva che si e'
Dopo le cerimonie con il prezioso
aiuto di Aylin abbiamo finito la
traduzione al turco dell'invito
al workshop 'il contatto con il meglio
di se stessi per la crescita
Il lavoro di traduzione e' stato
molto intenso, divertente ed anche
molto utile, perche' costringe
chi lo fa ad approfondire e capire bene
il significato di cio' che si
Quindi abbiamo deciso di invitare
tutte le persone con cui siamo in
contatto al workshop per domenica
pomeriggio nella 'salita'.
un forte abbraccio a tutti.
today at ceremonies with our
friend Christophe, have participated
Ayman and for the first time
Ahmad, a Syrian friend of Ayman, in an
atmosphere of friendship and
sharing experiences and deep feeling.
Ayman commented that always
feels a big internal difference between
the before and the after of
the ceremonies. He said that after the
ceremonies he feels better,
more happy.
Ahmad said he was impressed by
the ceremonies and by the positive
atmosphere that the ceremonies
have created.
After the ceremonies with the
precious assistance of Aylin, we
finished the translation to
turkish of the invitation to the workshop
'contact with the best in
ourselves for spiritual growth'.
The work of translation was
very intense, fun and also very useful,
because is forcing to
investigate and to understand very well the
meaning of the text.
So we decided to invite all
the people we are in contact with, at the
workshop on Sunday afternoon
in the 'salita'.
big hugs
Hoy a las ceremonias con nuestro
amigo Christophe, participaron Ayman
y por primera vez Ahmad, un amigo
sirio de Ayman, en un clima de
amistad y de intercambio de
experiencias profundas y 'sentidas'.
Ayman comentó que siempre se
siente una gran diferencia interna entre
el antes y el después de las
ceremonias; después de las ceremonias se
siente mejor, más feliz.
Ahmad dijo que fue impresionado
por las ceremonias y el ambiente
positivo que se ha creado.
Después de las ceremonias con la
inestimable colaboración de Aylin
terminamos la traducción al turco
de la invitación al taller 'contacto
con lo mejor de sí para el
crecimiento espiritual'.
El trabajo de traduccion fue muy
intenso, divertido y también muy
útil, ya que obliga a investigar
y comprender muy bien el significado
de lo que se esta' traduciendo.
Así que decidimos invitar a todas
las personas con las que estamos en
contacto al taller, la tarde del
domingo en la 'salita'.
un fuerte abrazo para todos.
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