Friday, we
found ourselves with Katibe and Juli to make some copies of the invitation to
the workshop on "contact with the best of ourselves."
All small
actions that we will do for the diffusion of this workshop was inspired by the
research to make unitifs acts ...
we have printed only a few copies in English, because we had no turkish friends
available to attend the workshop and especially let a phone contact in the
leaflet to inform people who might call.
With a few
copies in English we go, joyful and
decided to visit some cafes, cinemas and cultural spaces to leave invitations.
With Katibe
“in charge of communication”, we met various officials of these places to
present our flyer / invitation and ask if it was possible to leave some
leaflets at the entrance to their establishment.
All were
Quickly we
felt the need to have invitations in Turkish, we returned to the Salita to get
the invitation in Turkish with Katibe phone number as a contact.
Then we
returned for leaving invitations in Turkish in different places (nevzemin café,
cinema and cultural space).
Then we
went into a restaurant that Juli knows, and whose boss is a friend of Canan.
Here we left some invitations in different tables and we were surprised to meet
Jenk with who we had a joyful saluting
Finally we went
to the IMGE book shop (where the book of
Silo's Message is on sale) to deposit a number of leaflets.
A day
walking through Kadikoy, leaving in us the register that "things are well
when they move together and not in isolation."
Each of us
putting forward its best qualities forward in our project to share the
experience of Silo's Message.
Saturday we
went with Juli to take a walk along the sea and in our random inspirations we
gave some invitations to the people we met.
At one
point we gave the invitation to two young people sitting in the grass, and
asked them if they spoke English. The answer was yes and they invited us to
join them for having more information on this workshop.
Then we
quickly had deep exchanges around the meaning of life, violence and absurdity
of this system and the birth of a new sensibility, this clamor which seeks the
path to express itself with force in the world ... Unfortunately our two new
friends, Onur and his brother could not be in Kadikoy Sunday to attend the
arrival, our small team in a short time we made several attempts to
disseminate the invitation to the workshop (Invitation online with
couchsurfing, broadcast in various public places and direct connection with
people in the gardens ...).
On Sunday
we shared a simple and profound workshop with Juli and Katibe. We will want to
repeat the experience with more friends and of course new people.
At the end
of the workshop we were been in touch with our friends in Ankara , who also conducted the workshop.
concluded the workshop with a nice walk around the Kadokoy port accompanied by
our best qualities and a gentle force that pushes us toward future actions with faith ...
Big Hugs

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