Day 13 of the presentation tour of the book Silo’s Message in Turkey, June 15, 2012


(leer en español)   

Today, June 15th, we will start the report with an anecdote on coincidences.
The café inn Kadiköy, Istanbul in front of the IMGE bookstore where we had our drinks is called Babil. The bookstore in front of the bookstore in Antalya where they sell Silo’s Message is also called Babil and has a beautiful space with chairs and small tables at the back of the bookstore. This morning Judit asked Murat from our bookstore if we could  use that space to do the meeting  of ceremonies at 20h. Murat went to talk immediately to the owner of Babil who is a friend and he said that we could use the space without any problem. And if we want to use it every day he will be very pleased. Babil, Babylonia, means door or entrance… What strange things happen with the Message.
Today there was a 25 year old girl who also works in our bookstore and is called Ayça and speaks English very well. She had read parts of the book and then on her own started talking about the book to the clients coming in.
We had many people over at our table with the books and everyone reading the book and talking with other, asking questions and telling things about themselves. Among them two young men who study in Ankara and will go back in September. We have one of their contacts and will connect by email and facebook. A young guy who works at the restaurant where we ate last night also came. His name is Rahim and he also started reading the book. After asked to give him flyers at 18h when he starts working at the restaurant because he wanted to help us distributing it to Turks passing by. So Peter went to give him the flyers at 18h.
At a certain point there were 4 persons reading the book around the table and after talking to us and to Ayça. Many women also came and read the book and the Commentaries. In the meantime we were inviting everyone to the meeting of ceremonies at 20h in the café-bookstore Babil on the other side of the street. We gave away many flyers but nobody came from them. Murat from the bookstore came and we invited him to read the two ceremonies to understand their contents a bit more, and he did so with great concentration. He is very sensitive and amiable. Also the two owners of Babil came to read the book. So many people reading the book during the day. It was very interesting being able to talk calmly and with time with so many people and this created a very special atmosphere.
In the meantime, some of us had gone to eat or buy sweets, ice cream, all happy and in a good mood. It was a very hot day so it wasn’t so easy to stay in such good condition. But it helped a lot being with 12 friends that everyone could take some time to rest a little.
Yüksel went back to Ankara at 14h and we will see him there tomorrow.
At 20h there were only Murat and Ayçe from the bookstore wanted to go to the meeting. Others also said they  wanted to make an effort but didn’t come. But we saw some people there and we decided to go do the meeting. There were 5 young people and we asked if they had come for the occasion. They said they didn’t know anything about the meeting so we showed them the book and explained we were going to do some ceremonies of experience. They were interested right away. We prepared the ambit by putting the chairs in circle and everyone sat down. One of them went to look for a friend who spoke English because Ayçe had to stay in  the bookstore which was still open. So we started giving some explanations about what it was about and Ayçe was back at 20:30 so we started with the ceremony of Well Being. Ayçe was willing to read the  Turkish text and Peter in Spanish. All went well and easily and the 8 participants were very well after their first experience. Some talked about what happened to them translated by Ayçe. We announced that there was another ceremony where in the end we ask for ourselves, what one deeply needed. Murat immediately said he wanted to do it and the others too. The service was guided by Alvaro in Spanish and another Murat (young boy) read it in Turkish. Again it was very smooth and with a good tone. At the end everyone was thankful and the ambit was charged with joy. We said that if they buy the book they can continue with the ceremonies by themselves and their friends and family. And that if they invite us we are willing to come back to Antalya. They said they would buy the book. On leaving the place, the conversations continued on the street, on both sides, our new friends didn’t want to leave. So we discovered that one of them is from Tunceli and that he will be in the Alevi festival there. So we will look for each other there because we will be in the festival with a table with the books. And he was very glad.
We ended the day with very good food in a small restaurant close to the bookstore, accompanied by Murat and Ayçe. In the restaurant Alvaro made interviews to Eduardo, Murat and Ayçe so you can expect the third edition of the video of the tour soon. Since there wasn’t a lot of light, the owners put more light bulbs in the lamps, that was funny,
Murat and Ayçe want to stay in touch and there is a very close relation with them. It was also special that all of them come from the same neighbourhood and know each other. So it will be easy to meet again to do ceremonies.
This is it for  today. The pictures speak for themselves and reflect the images written in this report. Tomorrow Eduardo, Judit, Peter, Nacho, Alvaro, Carmen, Ismael, Salva are travelling to Ankara where our friends are waiting for us. Isabel and Aurora are going back to Madrid and Ariane and Zoë will stay another two days in Antalya.
Tomorrow Ariane has the meeting with the women in the Alevi center and will send us her report and the pictures.

A big hug,

Ariane, Zoë, Nacho, Aurora, Isabel, Judit, Eduardo, Alvaro, Peter, Ismael, Carmen and Salva

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