Monday, November 5th in Ankara

(Lire en français)

(leer en español) 

We started this day by resolving to go out and meet the citizens of Ankara. I wanted to go back to the Park, close to the salita. After Turkish coffee and equipped with our calling cards and invitations (with the game we mentioned yesterday) we treaded all of the Park’s paths. We tried to “feel” and went out to meet the small couples sitting on the benches and the youths. The language barrier makes things comical, we find our new friends a little destabilized and their probably asking themselves what does it mean to do an “inner asking” and especially what is a great need... But the smiles and laughter which often end these chance encounters and these improbable dialogues between these two Frenchmen who speak little English and these Turks who only use their language. Even those who understand us, find this meeting a little mysterious and unusual, since not many people stop us to ask “who am I?” and “where am I going?”

These meeting are truly joyous since Silo’s Message is a gift... We don’t know what they do with them, but I always tell myself that one day maybe they will remember that we tried to blow in their hearts the dancing spark, full of life, which animates it.

This experience brought us, little by little, to imagine new tries and put together a plan. The brilliant images and enthusiasm are a sign which pushes us to put it in march. We immediately went to Babil Cafe to have a salep and ask to do another ceremony. We hurry to do an invitation to a Ceremony which “This has been good for others, comforting for us, and inspiring for our lives… Greetings to everyone immersed in this current of well-being, which has been strengthened by the best wishes of all those present…” We create these small invitations, invite our friends and we divulge it on facebook and couchsurfing… Another little wave which we will try to help grow tomorrow.

What we love, is to share directly with new people, walk all the time and continue to “feel”. Just letting go to the discovery of the city, its inhabitants... its marvels: a moment of quiet and meditation at the mosque and them the joyous and crowded animation of a fruit and vegetable market at night. This beginning of the trip is a rich and multifaceted experience, but there is always something that, for me, unites all these moments and meetings: It is the Love of Life, humanity and the spirit..

Big HugMonday, November 5th in Ankara

1 comment:

  1. Cher denis
    Je te vois, je t'imagine et je partage ta pérégrination. Merci merci de tes témoignages, je vous suis pas à pas et l'étincelle dont tu parles vibre en moi et se convertit peu à peu en un feu qui veut partager ses braises.
    J'ai imaginé vraiment une semblable promenade à Chateau-thierry et une salita, ici aussi...
    Rapporte les vents du futur depuis cette lointaine anatolie, rapporte la foi des amis turcs d'aujourd'hui...
    En coprésence, je le sais maintenant, nous pourrons faire croître ce message partout
