4th May celebration in Istanbul

At 6,30pm in the Salita, Tiziana, Rachele, Guilia (Italia), and Carlos and Nacho (España) did a deep felt Service Ceremony. Despite the schedule was at 7pm, Italians friends had the fligth back to Roma at 10pm, so we did a first ceremony beofore. Just when Tiziana, Rachele and Guilia was leaving to the airport, Cristophe, Meral, Hussein and Gonça arrived to the Salita. Jonturk arrived later with 2 English friends (Rebecca y Matt) and 2 French friends, who never heard before about Silo, they where simply invited by Jonturk to a meditation. We was talking with the new people what the Salita and the 4th May celebraation was. After that, we heard the healing of suffering speach in Spanish but with subtitles and wrote on papers in English. After that, Service read by Carlos and WellBeing read by Hussein. There where many asks in this ceremony, including one from Rebecca for her future child. The 5 "new" people followed very well the ceremonies. After that, we was having a typical Spanish food (alubias) cooked by Carlos and we startes to chat. We was Cristophe, Carlos, Nacho, Hussein, Meral, Gonça, Jonturk, Rebecca, Matt, and the 2 French friends.

Gonça was having questions about the relationship between The Message and the social work, what generated a conversation between all of us. We was started to be in a very good atmosphere of truly friendship between us. After, Rebecca and Matt, asked how Silo´s message get organized, as they was interested, they was in the same "wave". In fact they said that some time before they was talking about something like this, this kind of spirituality. After that we showed the Parks Book, what generated new conversations and more questions (about how parks get organized, if we was living inside the parks as comunities,.. ). In one moment, Matt said that it was incredible how we was toghether since only 2 hours but it looks like we where friends from a long time ago. We had differents conversations in this good ambient and we disolved the gathering around the midnigth.



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