Istanbul, Nov. 30, 2013

Hello friends,
We spent a couple of pleasant days studying, cleaning the salita, going to the market and being fed and cherished by Juli, Katibe and Canan. Today Donatella arrived from Milan and we did ceremonies with juli, huseyin, ana, alicia, manuel, katibe, jonturk, ufuk, canan and three of her friends from her gym. Canan, Katibe and jonturk explained about the ceremonies and their experience, then jonturk read the well being and huseyin the service. We did the turkish ceremony and talked and had cay until midnight, everyone feeling quite happy, perhaps without knowing why.
Many hugs
Hola amigos,
Hemos passado unos dias estudiando, limpiando la salita, al mercado y siendo cuidados por juli, canan y katibe con dedicación y afecto. Hoy llegó Donatella desde milan y hicimos ceremonias con juli, huseyin, ana, alicia, manuel, katibe, jonturk, ufuk, canan y 3 amigos de su gimnasio.  Canan, katibe y jonturk explicaran sobre las ceremonias y su experiencia. Despues jonturk lió el bien estar y huseyin el oficio. Hicimos la ceremonia turca y tomamos cay hasta media noche todos muy contentos,  quizas sin saber porque.

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