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Hi Peter,

I’m sending some photos of different moments in the evening. We had been invited by Canan to see his painting exhibition, sculpture and mosaics, which, together with other artists at his workshop. There he had many acquaintances who he introduced us to and many of them knew of our ceremonies and commented that would come.

Later  I went to meet Florent who came from Ankara, so we went back to the workshop of Canan for awhile. There again we had some tea and we introduced  Florent to Canan and his friends. We talked and we went to the "salita" since we had arranged to meet some people there.

When we arrived at the "salita" we had some sweets that Anna L and Ana G, had brought and we were receiving old friends and new ones that were arriving. We were 13 in ceremonies: Dario, Ana L, Ana G, Hüseyin, Jonturk, Meral, Ali, two friends of Canan and two other friends of Hüseyin and another person that I don’t know where he came from, but a very good atmosphere was created. Hüseyin proposed to do an evening of ceremonies, so I explained what we were going to do and first the Service was read, then Jonturk guided the Well-Being and a friend of Canan read the ceremony of death for the Turks who have died these days in the manifestations.

Afterwards Huseyin enthusiastically proposed to do a ceremony of Recognition  and all were willing, so we distributed the books in Turkish to everyone and they did something that seemed very interesting to us. They began to give testimony, reading, and proposed to do the ceremony of Recognition regularly since It gives direction to our daily life and it reminds us and the new people coming of our proposals.Then we did the "fifth" "Turkish" ceremony, where everyone hugs everyone and it’s something we all like very much.

Jonturk was so excited that he proposed we all go to the Gezi Park in Taksim to do ceremonies with people, because he said that in that atmosphere what we do would fit very well. We thought it was a good idea and just as we were going to do that, we received the tnew that spread like wildfire that the police had entered with the force of tear gas, rubber bullets, tanks with water pressure in Gezi park and in the hotel where the “hospital” was set up that helped people coming from the park.  So we all began to look for the news and see what we could do.

After a while people started going to the street in the hundreds, according to we were seeing from the Boga (toro) to the port. There we said goodbye to Ana L. and Dario because we didn't know if they would have transportation, but they were able to reach their hotel. All our friends are so well, although there are many friends of our friends who have suffered the tear gas and the tensions both in the Park and in the surrounding area where people had to take refuge from the gases and acid that was all over.

It was a very intense afternoon and where we could experience intense emotions. We left it with our friends that we would see each other next Saturday at the same time : 20:00 h in the “salita” to continue going deeper.  Everyone was very conten and thankful for this special atmosphere. 

We hope that everything will go calming down and that the violence decreases so people can leave in peace.

A big hug

Hola Peter

Te envio algunas fotos de distintos momentos por la tarde.

Habiamos sido invitados por Canan a ver su exposicion de pintura,
escultura y mosaicos, que junto con otros artistas hacia en su taller.
Alli habia muchos conocidos suyos que nos fue presentando, alguno de
los cuales sabian de nuestras ceremonias y nos comentaron que
Mas tarde fui a recibir a Florent que venia de Ankara, asi que
estuvimos de vuelta en el taller de Canan en un rato. Alli nuevamente
tomamos algunos tes y le presentamos a Canan y sus amigos a Florent,
conversamos y nos fuimos para la "salita" ya que habiamos quedado con
algunos mas.
Cuando llegamos a la "salita" preparamos y te con dulces que Ana L y
Ana G, habian comprado y fuimos recibiendo a los amigos antiguos y
nuevos que iban llegando.
Estuvimos 13 en las ceremonias: Dario, Ana L, Ana G, Huseyin, Jónturk,
Meral, Ali, dos amigos de Canan, otros dos amigos de Hüseyin y otro
mas que no se como llego, pero se creo una atmosfera muy buena.
Huseyin propuso hacer una tarde de ceremonias, asi que explico
brevement lo que ibamos a hacer y el  primero dirigio el Oficio, luego
Jöntürk guió el Bienestar y un amigo de Canan leyo la ceremonia de
muerte por los turcos que han muerto estos dias en las
Posteriormente Hüseyin que estaba entusiasmado propuso hacer una
ceremonia de Reconocimiento y todos estuvieron despuestos, asi que
repartimos libros turcos a todos y se hizo algo que nos parecio muy
interesante, dar testimonio, leer, la propuesta de la ceremonia de
Reconocimiento como una ceremonia habitual mas, ya que nos da
direccion en nuesta vida cotidiana y nos recuerda a nosotros y los
nuevos que van viniendo la direccion de nuestras propuestas.
Luego hicimos la "quinta" ceremonia "turca", que son los abrazos entre
todos, lo cual a todos los gusta mucho.

Estaba Jönturk, tan entusiasmado que nos propuso ir al parque Gezi en
Taksim para hacer ceremonias con la gente, ya que decia que en esa
atmosfera encajaria muy bien lo que hacemos, asi nos parecio bien
hacer eso y en ese momento, recibimos la noticia que corrio como la
polvora que la policia habia entrado por la fuerza con gases, balas de
goma, tanquetas y agua a presion en el parque Gezi y en el hotel donde
estaba instalado el "hospital" que ayudaba a la gente del parque.
Asi que todos empezamos a buscar noticias y ver que se podia hacer.

Al cabo de un rato empezaron en las calles muchos cientos de personas
a protestar, segun fuimos viendo desde el Boga(toro) hasta el puerto.
Alli nos despedimos de Ana L. y Dario ya que no sabiamos si habrian
cortado los transportes, pero pudieron llegar bien a su hotel.
Asi que todos nuestros amigos estan bien, aunque hay muchos conocidos
y amigos de nuestros amigos que han sufrido los gases lacrimogenos y
las tensiones tanto en el parque como en los alrededores donde la
gente tenia que refugiarse de los gases y acidos en cualquier lugar.

Fue una tarde muy intensa y donde pudimos experimentar emociones
intensas. Quedamos con los amigos en volvernos a ver el proximo sabado
a la misma hora : 20:00 h. en la "salita" para seguir profundizando.
Todos estaban muy contentos y agradecidos por esta atmosfera tan

Esperemos que todo se vaya calmando y la violencia decrezca y la gente
pueda vivir en paz.

Un fuerte abrazo

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